DJ Premier has recently started his own label called YEAR ROUND. He has started to sign the artists that he thinks will make this label a success. Blaq Poet HOTSHIT* (former Screwball member) is among one of the first he signed. You may remember him from the underground classics "h.o.s.t.y.l.e.", "on point" and the "Y2K" cd. His new single "We Goin' Ill" dropped last week and is selling off the shelves. Another artist Primo was interested in, Big Shug, who has just dropped his freshman LP "Who's Hard?". The album almost sounds like a classic Gang Starr album, but without the Guru. It's jam packed with songs that will bring and end to this mediocre shit we are so custom to on the radio. Thank God. Fucka Radio Playlist...AND FUCKA WEAK DJ THAT THINKS HE'S A VET!
<------OUT DA BLUE------>
If you are looking for some new music from some artists you've never heard before peep this shit out. The Black Milk album was something that I put on while I was scanning my emails and deleting the junk. I thought that it was just a mixtape from some unknowns, and that I would be deleting that soon too. To my surprize after listening to the first few songs I was scanning all of them hoping for more fire, but then the album kinda died out toward the end. Still though, the production on the album was fasinating and I'm looking forward to hearing some of these instrumentals. DO NOT SLEEP ON THIS.
"Hey...hand me that piano."
Our favorite comedian George Carlin is back with his new special Life Is Worth Losing airing November 5th on HBO original programming. Guess I know what I'm doing that Saturday night. The link above contains a new poem sure to make you piss your dickies. Any one of his books are great bathroom reading material for you or your inconciderate friends that always happen to feel the need to drop a doogan at your place.
Raekwon is set to release his long awaited followup to the Only Built For Cuban Links LP. I'm only calling this the followup to that because from the sound of it, he's on that shit again. What shit you ask???? That gritty, grimey, ghetto gully, Mutumbo sneaker under the bridge shit. I'm goin to guess that what he has on that table is not 4 Lbs. of tobacco. His new label Ice Water Inc. will most likely be the centerpiece of this album, including the usual, drugs, hoodrats, and snitchbashing. It seems that more and more people are taking thier fate into thier own hands, and building a label, and putting up most of the lucci for thier projects. Good for's about time that these fools stopped losing money that they don't have to. Sure they won't get the promotion that a major can give, but as long as it's hot the radio jocks will take care of that. Rae...a little sidenote from me if you are reading this...make sure the album lives up to the hype...or your career is ooooover...ova.
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