Chillin' in the studio...just another late night... me... some warm brandy... and blunts of sour deez. Beats are getting broken...I'm running out of ink...and my eyes look like I should be working at a fish market on Canal St. Live, no Memorex...just memories...of when hip-hop was actually worth following. Keep your ears peeled for the new Refried Redneck Remixes due out late November.
Something actually worth buying.
Rockstar Games has done it once again. They are set to release (out of nowhere), a game that is bound to become a classic among cult followers of The Warriors. The new special edition DVD has also been released and includes 10-20 minutes of bonus footage including comic clips, and a cast commentary. A MUST for any fan of this flick. Ev Boogie knows...late night dorm room sessions with Vinyl, catlogs n spoofs... and we can't forget IJAY.
Not only is (Money) Mike Tice having a shitty season, now he has other problems. Apparently some of his squad were having a little too much fun boozing on a recent luxury cruise. Sources say that at least 17 Vikings players were actually working overtime (as players) and had a large public orgy on the ship. If anyone has any photos or picture of this please send them to me direct...not only would they be great to break out for Xmas eve dinner, the cops would like to be able to identify the players who were getting extensive slowneck. Remember...the answers always NO! --david spade
Well don't just stand there...Kick a Freestyle.
Not sure how many of you know this, but tonite on almost all of the local news channels I saw a story about the kid who got killed outside The Hudson Duster. One of the bouncers involved may go to jail for a few years...and on a sad sidenote, The Duster may be closing it's doors for good. Read more here. Damn. NOW where we gonna have our shows? Lark Tavern is way too small and all the other bars around here just suck anyway. Who the fuck am I kidding...I haven't went to a show in 3 months. Nyay. lates.
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